Why is My Touchscreen Not Working On My Android | How To Fix

You grab your Android phone first thing in the morning and find Touchscreen Not Working. No swipes, no taps, no anything. A touchscreen failure can bring your smartphone to a grinding halt. Or can also cause the phone not to turn on again after it shuts down for one time because of a faulty touchscreen.

But panic not! Many touchscreen problems can be fixed with simple troubleshooting steps you can perform yourself. Let’s dig into the various causes of unresponsive Android touch screens and how to get them functioning again.

Diagnosing the Issue of Touchscreen Not Working – Hardware or Software?

diagnosing Android Touch Screen not working

Determining whether the problem is hardware or software related is the key first step. Software issues are often easier and cheaper to fix:

  • Try restarting your Android. This refreshes the touch screen drivers and clears any glitches.
  • Boot into Safe Mode which disables all third-party apps. If the touch screen works here, an app is likely the issue.
  • Check for OS and app updates which may contain touchscreen patches.
  • Try a touch screen test app, many are free. This can pinpoint if only certain areas aren’t responding.
  • Reset your phone to factory settings. This wipes out any corrupted software and data.

If the touch screen fails the tapping tests in both normal and Safe Mode, it’s likely a hardware problem. Time to get hands-on investigating!

Inspecting for Physical Damage

Check for Physical or Hardware Issues CLOCK APP KEEPS RESTARTING CONITNUOSLY

Visually check over the phone’s screen and body for any signs of damage:

  • Even hairline cracks in the glass can disrupt the underlying digitizer layer and touch detection.
  • Press around the edges and surface of the screen. Bulging, gaps or loose areas indicate impact damage.
  • Discoloration or dark spots are also telltale signs of blunt force damage.
  • Remove any case and inspect the body for dents, cracks or openings that could allow debris inside.
  • Check if the screen still detects some touch in small areas. This points to localized damage versus a complete failure.

Minor cracks or dents are sometimes enough to mess with the sensitive touch digitizer layer underneath the glass. This can be fixed by experts at a repair shop.

Trying a Quick Screen Cleaning


Before you panic and call for repairs, a good thorough cleaning could get your touch screen working again:

  • Power down your phone fully before cleaning.
  • Use a microfiber cloth designed for screens rather than paper towels or tissues.
  • Wipe clean and dry micro fiber cloth to clean your screen.
  • For oily fingerprints or smudges, lightly dampen the cloth with water and wipe again. Avoid harsh chemicals.
  • Check for any debris stuck around the screen edges and ports. Carefully use compressed air to dislodge it.
  • Let your phone dry out fully before powering back on and testing the touch screen.

Dust, dirt and grime are common touch screen disruptors. A quick cleaning may be all that’s needed.

Drying Out Water Damage

dry out your device GHOST TOUCHES

If you’ve recently exposed your phone to liquids, moisture infiltration could be wreaking havoc on your touch screen. Here are some ways to dry out water damage:

  • Immediately power down the phone if it’s still on, and avoid charging it while wet.
  • If the phone was recently wet, wipe down all exterior surfaces with a microfiber cloth to soak up excess moisture.
  • Put the mobile phone in a bowl or any container full of rice(uncooked). The rice will naturally draw out ambient moisture.
  • Leave the phone powered off and connected to a charger for several hours so interior moisture can slowly evaporate.
  • Use desiccant packs instead of rice if you have them. Silica gel beads work great for drying phones.
  • Don’t try heating devices like blow dryers or ovens to speed drying – too much heat can damage phone components. Patience is key.

With effort, it is sometimes possible to revive a waterlogged phone through gradual drying. But time is of the essence – the longer it stays wet, the worse the damage gets.

Digging for Debris

cleaning android ports derbis Touch Screen Not Working

Small bits of dirt, dust and debris can find their way into phone crevices and interfere with proper touch screen function. Here’s how to hunt them down:

  • Check all ports, gaps and the areas around the screen for any noticeable particles.
  • Use short bursts of compressed air to dislodge and blow away debris. Avoid touching the screen surface while doing so.
  • If moisture is also present, dry out the phone fully before blasting with compressed air which can drive water deeper.
  • Inspect any phone case, cover or screen protector for contaminants that could seep beneath.
  • For stubborn debris that can’t be blown away, try a computer duster brush, toothpick or tweezers. Be very gentle when scraping near screen.
  • Flushing debris may require partial disassembly if trapped internally. Attempt this only if experienced with phone repair.

While preventing debris is ideal, a speck in the wrong place at the wrong time can block touch detection until removed. A careful inspection and cleaning usually does the trick.

Reseating Internal Connections


If no external flaws are visible, the issue may lie with loose or damaged internal cables and connectors:

  • Phone drops and accidents that impact the screen area often knock interior cables loose.
  • Repeated opening/closing of phones flexes connections over time and can introduce faults.
  • Liquid exposure corrodes and degrades connection points between cables.
  • Dirt and dust can work its way under screen glass and block connections.
  • Faulty solder joints on touchscreen controller chips cause intermittent contact.

The only true fix is to open up the phone and reseat connections or repair/replace damaged cables. Some options:

  • For phones with accessible batteries, removing and reinserting the battery often resets interior connectors.
  • For cases with minor loosening, gently pressing along the screen perimeter can nudge cables back in place.
  • Professional phone repair techs can redo solder points and perform other microsoldering repairs not possible DIY.

While home remedies may work for minor connection issues, anything more involved requires proper electronics technician skills to avoid further damage. Seek their assistance for internal faults.

Replacing Faulty Charging Ports


The USB charging port is a common failure point and prime suspect if your phone’s touch screen acts up only while charging. Here are some charging port remedies:

  • Inspect the port for any debris, moisture or damage preventing proper cable contact.
  • Try charging with a different cable. Faulty cables no longer make good contact.
  • Gently clean the port with compressed air to blow out dust. Avoid metal tools that can damage it further.
  • Plugging/unplugging the cable a few times can scrape away oxidization on the pins improving connection.
  • If the port interior is damaged, the best solution is to replace the entire port module. DIY is possible but requires disassembly skills.
  • Wireless charging pads can be a workaround if the port no longer functions reliably. No cables to worry about.

Charging issues gradually corrupt touch screen controllers and digitizers causing erratic responsiveness. Getting that port in proper shape again can mitigate ongoing issues.

When Professional Repair is the Only Option To Fix Touchscreen Not Working

REACH MOBILE EXPERTS Touch Screen Not Working

If you exhaust all DIY troubleshooting options without success, your best bet is to seek professional mobile phone repair:

  • For confirmed hardware faults like damaged display panels or bad controller chips, techs can source replacement parts for proper fix.
  • Technicians have specialized tools to disassemble components and perform advanced microsoldering repairs.
  • Professional data recovery services can potentially restore data wiped due to water immersion or physical damage.
  • Some repair shops offer full diagnostic services to correctly identify “mystery” touch screen issues stumping owners.
  • If moisture or corrosion is extensive, techs have commercial equipment for deep cleaning and drying phones safely.

Shop around for a few quotes first, as prices can range widely depending on part costs and technician skill levels. But professional repair still beats the cost of a brand new phone in most cases.

Preventing Touchscreen Not Working

PREVENT Touch Screen Not Working

While not every touch screen failure can be avoided, there are ways to reduce the risks of problems occurring:

  • Invest in sturdy phone cases and tempered glass screen protectors to protect from cracks and impact damage.
  • Avoid exposing your phone to moisture and dry it out promptly if it gets wet. Water damage expediency is crucial.
  • Install important OS and driver updates as they become available to get the latest touch screen patches and fixes.
  • Don’t place phones in very hot or very cold environments which stresses device components.
  • Put your phone in a bag rather than a pocket to reduce abrasion and static buildup from rubbing.
  • Add an anti-static screen protector and avoid touching the screen in dry, low-humidity settings.
  • Keep your phone away from surfaces and materials containing sand or debris that can get lodged in crevices.
  • Monitor battery swelling as it can pry apart the screen and disrupt connections.

Your Android’s touch screen is a delicate flower – handle it with care and keep it clean for a long, responsive life.

Touch Screen Restored!

Unresponsive touch screens arise from myriad causes – both preventable and inevitable over a phone’s lifetime. While phantom touches definitely cause headaches, methodical troubleshooting and repair techniques can usually coax even stubborn screens back into submission. With knowledge and diligence, you can get your phone’s touch digitizer dancing to your fingers once again. Just mind those cracks.

If I’ve missed anything or have any suggestions, feel free to drop us a line and don’t forget to give us a big thumbs up on FacebookTwitter, and YouTube.

FAQs About (“Touchscreen Not Working“)

How do I fix my unresponsive touch screen or Touchscreen Not Working?

Try restarting your phone fully and cleaning the screen gently with a microfiber cloth. Dirt and software glitches are common touch screen disruptors. Check for any visible cracks or dents on the screen or phone body. Damage to the underlying digitizer can cause response issues. If it was recently exposed to moisture, thoroughly dry it out in rice or silica gel before using again. Water exposure can disable touch screens until evaporated fully.

How do I get my phone screen back to normal from Touchscreen Not Working?

Start with a restart and operating system update which can clear up software bugs causing abnormal screen behavior. Clean the screen to remove debris that could be interfering with normal touch registration. Inspect closely for any cracked glass or blunt force damage which indicates physical digitizer disruption. If cracked or damaged, professional repair is likely needed to replace the screen and restore normal function. Prevent future issues by using a screen protector.

How to fix phone screen or Touchscreen Not Working?

First try troubleshooting with restarts, safe mode, cleaning, and software updates to isolate the issue. Check for moisture damage or physical cracks and dents. Significant screen damage will likely require replacement of the glass or entire display assembly, which is best handled by phone repair professionals. Water exposure may require thorough drying of internal components to restore function. Prevent repeat issues by protecting the phone from drops and liquid. Use screen protectors to avoid cracks.

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Updated: 15 May 2024 — 11:29

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