How to Enable Private DNS on Android for More Privacy

How to Enable Private DNS on Android for More Privacy. Your online privacy matters. Private DNS is an easy way to keep your browsing history private on Android. It encrypts your DNS requests so others can’t see what websites you visit. In this guide, we’ll show you how to turn on Private DNS on your Android device and explain why it improves your privacy.

What is Private DNS?

Private DNS encrypts the requests your phone sends when you enter a website name. This prevents others from seeing what websites you visit. Normally, your phone looks up website names in something called the DNS, which matches names like to a website’s address. These DNS requests are sent openly and can be intercepted. Private DNS encrypts your requests so that your browsing history stays private. It’s an easy way to protect your privacy on Android.

Quick Steps For Enable Private DNS on Android

  1. Open Settings: Access the Settings menu on your Android device. This is usually represented by a gear icon and can be found in your app drawer or by swiping down the notification shade and tapping the gear icon.
  2. Go to Network & Internet Settings: Within the Settings menu, locate the “Network & Internet” option. Tap on it to reveal a submenu with various connectivity settings.
  3. Select “Private DNS”:Scroll down until you find the “Private DNS” option. Tap on it to access the Private DNS settings.
  4. Choose a Private DNS Mode: You’ll likely see three options: “Off,” “Automatic,” and “Private DNS provider hostname.” To activate Private DNS, select either “Automatic” or “Private DNS provider hostname.”
  5. Enter the DNS Provider Hostname: If you choose “Private DNS provider hostname,” you’ll need to enter the hostname provided by your chosen DNS service. This information is typically available on the service provider’s website.
  6. Save and Enjoy: Once you’ve made your selection, save the changes. Your Android device will now use Private DNS to encrypt your DNS queries, bolstering your online privacy.

Why You Should Activate Private DNS

  1. Enhanced Security: By encrypting your DNS queries, Private DNS protects your online activities from potential eavesdropping, ensuring a more secure internet experience.
  2. Privacy Protection: Activating Private DNS shields your browsing habits and online presence from internet service providers, advertisers, and other entities seeking to track your online behavior.
  3. Avoiding DNS Manipulation: Private DNS helps thwart DNS manipulation, a tactic employed by some malicious entities to redirect users to fake websites or inject unwanted content into web pages.
  4. Geo-Restriction Bypass: Some DNS services allow you to access region-restricted content by masking your actual location, providing an added benefit for users looking to bypass geographical restrictions.

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In a world where digital privacy is increasingly under threat, activating Private DNS on your Android device is a proactive step towards fortifying your online defenses. By encrypting your DNS queries, you not only enhance the security of your internet connection but also reclaim control over your digital footprint. Take charge of your online privacy today, and surf the internet with confidence.

FAQs “enabling Private DNS on Android”

What’s the quick and easy way to turn on Private DNS?

Just go to Settings – Network & Internet – Advanced – Private DNS and enter a provider like Tap Save.

Do I need any special apps to use Private DNS?

A: Nope! It’s built right into Android 9 and up. No extra downloads required.

Will Private DNS slow down my connection?

Generally no – in fact, it may speed it up in some cases by routing around slow or glitchy DNS servers.

Can my internet provider or network admin see what I’m doing if I have Private DNS on?

No, the whole point of Private DNS is it encrypts your activity so others can’t snoop on what sites you visit.

What are some good Private DNS providers to use?

Top choices are Cloudflare ( or Quad9 ( Both keep no logs and have strong privacy policies.

Do I need to be on WiFi to use Private DNS?

Nope, it works on cellular data too! It secures all your DNS queries.

Updated: 26 April 2024 — 19:58