Why is My Android Not Turning On | How To Fix It?

The Nightmare of An Android Not Turning On

How To Fix Android Not Turning On? We’ve all been there – reaching for our trusty Android phone only to hit the power button and find nothing. It is just a black, empty screen mocking you when you need to send a text, hop on a work call, or pull up directions. A smartphone that refuses to turn on can ruin your day and leave you feeling helpless. It can also be a black screen issue in which the phone is on but not showing any display.

But don’t panic! Following some tips, you will discover why your Android device is malfunctioning. Here you will also find some possible causes that stop your Android device from turning on, Some useful and working solutions that might help you to fix your Android problem by yourself, and also some preventions to be safe in the future.

Diagnosing the Issue – Why Won’t My Phone Turn On?

First, you have to look at the reasons that caused your Android phone to not turn on before taking a backup and starting your phone. Let’s look at the main culprits:

It's Out of Battery Power
  • It’s Out of Battery Power: This is the most obvious issue, but it’s easy to overlook if you thought your phone was charged. Always start troubleshooting by fully charging the phone for at least 30 mins.
  • Software Errors or Crashes: System errors, bugs, crashes, or recent app downloads could cause software issues preventing booting.
  • Physical Harm: Drops or accidents that damage hardware like the motherboard can cause the phone not to start.
  • Power Button Not Working: If the power button itself is broken, that explains why your phone won’t turn on!
Power Button Not Working

At last, your Android issue of not turning on is because of some hardware or software issues. After properly checking it, you will notice the main reason my phone died and won’t turn on or charge Samsung. After charging your phone to 100% and checking everything, you will come to the last decision and find the cause of the problem.

Some steps that might solve Android Not Turning On

Before you panic or call for expensive professional help, there are a few DIY things you can try yourself to get your phone working again:

  • Force Restart It: Press and hold the power and volume buttons for 20+ seconds; it will open a menu that enables you to do a hard factory reset. This step can fix the issue by restarting the software of the Android device or restarting the application that is causing the Android device to not turn on.
  • Check for Physical Damage: Examine every inch of your phone to look for cracked screens, water damage, broken charge ports, or other harmed components. Physical damage can prevent powering on.
  • Try a Different Charger: Try different chargers and cables to be clear if it’s because of the charger.
  • Boot into Recovery Mode: Access special menus like Recovery Mode or Download Mode on your phone to troubleshoot system issues and perform resets.
Force Restart It

These initial steps could uncover an easy fix and get you back up and running. If not, it’s time to try.

Latest and Advanced Fixing Methods

When your Android still refuses to turn on after the basics, it’s time to pull out all the troubleshooting stops:

Latest and Advanced Fixing Methods
  • Wipe the Cache Partition: From Recovery Mode, wipe the cache partition to clear out old files and fix software errors. Then choose “Reboot system now.”
  • Reset the Phone to Factory Settings: Back up data if possible, then do a full factory reset in Recovery Mode to erase any software issues. This essentially reinstalls the operating system.
  • Check Third-Party Apps: Uninstall recently downloaded apps, especially from outside the Play Store, which could cause system conflicts.
  • Try Safe Mode: Booting into Safe Mode only loads the essential software, isolating and allowing you to uninstall problematic apps, causing issues.
  • Remove and Reinsert SIM Card: Issues with the SIM card can prevent successful booting, so remove and reinsert it to reset the connection.
  • Let Phone Battery Drain Completely: If it’s a battery issue, letting the battery fully drain and then charging for hours may allow it to reset.

These are too many steps to try each one! But methodically trying each technique could reveal what is causing your phone to fail. If you still have no luck, the problem may require…

Android Hardware Reaparing Experts:

If you notice a hardware issue or the issue is not being fixed by resetting the software, then you know it’s a hardware issue, and you can’t fix it by yourself until you know Android repair and the proper tools. Some possibilities include:

  • Faulty Power Button: If the power button is broken, tapping it won’t turn on the phone. The button will need replacement.
  • Cracked Motherboard: Severe drops can damage components on the motherboard, preventing the phone from powering up.
  • Liquid Damage: Water damage can short-circuit the internal hardware. Professional disassembly and cleaning may be required.
  • Faulty Charging Port: A busted charging port won’t deliver power to turn on the phone if you find that your charging port is not working properly and causing your Android device to not turn on. You must contact a professional Android repair expert to change the charging port.
  • Corroded Battery Contacts: Contacts allowing the battery to connect and power the device could be corrupted or damaged, meaning no power reaches the system.

When we reach phone fixing experts, they do their job excellently because they have the proper tools and skills to find the main issue or components that are not working properly; they can change the internal parts that got out of order or are not working well and causing the issue using tools. Be prepared for this potentially costly fix, depending on the phone, damage, and any parts needing replacement.

In some cases of severe damage causing boot failure, the cost of repairs may exceed the value of an older phone. In that case, cutting your losses and replacing the device might make the most financial sense.

Prevention is better than treatment.

It is a great saying that prevention is better than perfect treatment for Android mobile phones. It’s the first thing you should prefer if you want your Android device to run smoothly and long-term. Here are some tips to hopefully avoid dealing with an unresponsive phone in the first place:

  • Never let your battery fully drain: Keep it charged, as a low battery can cause boot issues.
  • Install system updates promptly: Updates often contain crucial fixes for bugs.
  • Only download apps from trusted sources: Untrustworthy apps can wreak havoc on your system.
  • Use phone cases and screen protectors: Prevent physical damage by protecting your phone.
  • Limit phone storage usage: Low storage capacity can lead to software instability.
  • Back up data regularly: You won’t lose your precious photos, contacts, and more if you need to reset factory settings.
  • Do occasional factory resets: Clearing out system glitches prevents bigger problems down the road.
  • Keep the phone away from water: Liquid damage is a recipe for power issues.
  • Avoid extreme heat: High temps can damage the battery and internal components.

While you can’t prevent every problem that could cause an Android phone not to turn on, taking the right precautions will significantly lower your risk. Combined with the troubleshooting tips in this guide, you can hopefully overcome rebooting issues swiftly and painlessly.

In this condition, you don’t have to panic, have patience, and get in touch with a professional who knows about Android and its errors. With persistence, you can get your phone powered back on and back in your hands where it belongs.

If I’ve missed anything or have any suggestions, feel free to drop us a line, and don’t forget to give us a big thumbs up on FacebookTwitter, and YouTube.

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Updated: 2 May 2024 — 03:37